Staking Rewards

Monthly distribution, calculation formula, and APY calculation for future rewards, many more details broken down below.

Staking Rewards

Staking reward distribution happens on a monthly basis. Rewards are distributed at the end of each month.

It is a four-step cycle:

  1. Stake ZEN, in Month 1, you stake ZEN and obtain sZEN. Reward accumulation starts from Month 2.

  2. Reward distribution for Month 2 occurs at the end of the Month 2.

    • Total staking reward available for distribution in Month 2 is based on Zenit Platform fee income that was collected and the daily distribution rate of the ZEN staking incentives for Month 2.

    • User’s share of staking rewards for Month 2 is calculated based on their sZEN balance at the start of Month 2 relative to the total sZEN supply at the start of Month 2.

  3. Rewards for Month 2 can be claimed by users from Month 3 onwards. Users can also stake their ZEN rewards and increase their sZEN balance and future rewards.

  4. Step 2 and 3 repeat every month till expiry:

    • Reward distribution for Month X occurs at the end of the Month X

    • Rewards for Month X can be claimed by users from Month X+1 onwards.

Calculation of Staking Rewards

Monthlyβ€…Rewardβ€…Distributedβ€…,β€…R=Stakingβ€…Incentiveβ€…Rewards+Zenitβ€…Ecosystemβ€…FeeMonthly\: Reward \:Distributed\:,\: R = Staking \:Incentive \:Rewards + Zenit\: Ecosystem \:Fee
Stakingβ€…Incentiveβ€…Rewards=Dailyβ€…Incentiveβ€…Rewardsβˆ—30 Staking\:Incentive\:Rewards = Daily\:Incentive\:Rewards*30
Zenitβ€…Ecosystemβ€…Fee=Totalβ€…Monthlyβ€…Zenitβ€…Feeβ€…βˆ—0.25ZEN.priceZenit\:Ecosystem\:Fee =\frac{ Total\:Monthly\:Zenit\:Fee\: * 0.25}{ZEN.price}

The above formula is an assumption, actual ZEN rewards from Zenit Platform Fee would differ based on the token price in the open market.

Monthlyβ€…Rewardβ€…Earnedβ€…byβ€…aβ€…user=sZEN.usersZEN.totβˆ—RMonthly\:Reward\:Earned\:by\:a\:user =\frac { sZEN.user }{ sZEN.tot } * R
sZEN.user=User’sβ€…sZENβ€…balanceβ€…atβ€…theβ€…startβ€…ofβ€…theβ€…monthsZEN.user = User’s\:sZEN\:balance\:at\:the\:start\:of\:the\:month
sZEN.tot=Totalβ€…sZENβ€…balanceβ€…ofβ€…theβ€…protocolβ€…atβ€…theβ€…startβ€…ofβ€…theβ€…monthsZEN.tot = Total\:sZEN\:balance\:of\:the\:protocol\:at\:the\:start\:of\:the\:month
R=Totalβ€…ZENβ€…Rewardsβ€…forβ€…theβ€…monthR = Total\:ZEN\:Rewards\:for\:the\:month
Stakingβ€…APR=(Monthlyβ€…Rewardβ€…Earnedβ€…byβ€…aβ€…user/ZENβ€…stakedβ€…byβ€…user)βˆ—12βˆ—100Staking\:APR = (Monthly\:Reward\:Earned\: by\:a\:user / ZEN\:staked\:by\:user)*12*100
Stakingβ€…APY=((1+(Monthlyβ€…Rewardβ€…Earnedβ€…byβ€…aβ€…user/ZENβ€…stakedβ€…byβ€…user))12βˆ’1)βˆ—100Staking\:APY = ((1+(Monthly\: Reward\:Earned\:by\:a\:user /ZEN\:staked\:by\:user))^{12} - 1) *100%

Calculation of APY assumes that the monthly rewards are re-staked in the protocol.

Last updated